Jan 13, 2023, 7:52:53 AM
Tips to Keep Your Nails Strong
There is some unique power in having strong and healthy nails, even if you do some nail painting, or choose nude nail colors, or even leave them polish-free. Having healthy nails is one type of uncommon confidence booster. Even if your nail care is a type of indulgence activity, or some maintenance, or a self-care strategy, still keeping your nails healthy is one good investment. Here is one big plus point that healthy nails do not require your money but just your time. The best way to get stronger and healthier nails is by choosing simple habits that do not...

Jan 13, 2023, 7:51:12 AM
What Are The Different Hair Types?
There are four types of hair based on the curl pattern of hair. The number of curls depends on the shape of hair follicles. Four basic types of hair are: Wavy hair Curly hair Straight hair Coily hair How will you determine Your Hair Type? 1. Straight Hair From the base till the toots, your hair is flat, then that means you possess straight hair. No curls are present, with a smooth and silky texture. Excess oil secretion is often found in straight hair type. Straight hair is further subdivided into: Straight hair type 1 This hair type consists of...

Jun 8, 2023, 10:16:39 AM
Men Hair Product: Clay, Pomade, Gel or Cream?
From the time you were a teenager, if you have used the same hair care products, it is time to change the product even if your style has not changed. The perfect product can change your hair from good to excellent.POMADEWhat pomade Does: Various shapes of styling are obtained by using this classic men’s styling product, available in different weights and used to shape the hair.The Hair Pomade can be used for any hair type, but texture and quantity should also be considered. A good rule is to get a lighter product if you have more hair.The Style: This product is...